The following glossary provides brief explanations of acronyms and common terms frequently used. The various terms used to denote final environmental decisions and to distinguish among the types of environmental requirements may be labeled with abbreviated notations, which may appear in an. From air quality to zero emissions is a new resource developed by the national adult literacy agency nala and the department of the environment that helps explain common environmental terms in plain english. Glossary 3 biosecurity policies and practices to prevent the invasion of an area by alien species. The initial steps of the eis process, t he scoping eaw and draft decision document. The preparation of a glossary of terms in environment statistics was requested in 1990. For more information, click on a term for a more indepth article on the subject. Glossary, iom training on migration, environment and climate change, moshi, tanzania 2014. Green earth issues for kids presented by children of the earth united, green environmental education for kids, teachers and families. In exposure assessment, the amount of a substance that penetrates an exposed organisms. Glossary of environment, safety and health terms doe technical. Certain terms and expressions that relate to the environment are problematic in that they vary widely in usage within and between disciplines, and several have been used as synonyms. The remaining four terms, environmental quality, air quality, soil quality, and water quality, are defined as measures of the condition or state of each relative to the requirements of one or more.
A collection of documents about a specific project. A dictionary of ecology, evolution and systematics by r. A sixth term, soil regeneration, is defined as the reformation of degraded soil through biological. Poverty defined with respect to an absolute material standard of living. Environmental engineering glossary marmara universitesi. Sovacool is associate professor at vermont law school, and professor of business and social sciences at aarhus university asian development bank. Az glossary of environmental terms environmental protection. Environmental terms word lists collins english word lists. Glossary of environmental health terms the asbestos hazard emergency response act ahera requires local education agencies to conduct inspections, develop management plans, and design or conduct response actions with respect to the presence of asbestoscontaining materials in school buildings. Glossary of environmental terms idaho department of. Airborne sound sound that reaches the point of interest by propagation through air. Downloadable pdfs glossary of environmental terms co2 calculator. The list below relies on definitions used by internationally recognized organizations e. Terms of environment glossary abbreviations and acronyms.
Safety data sheets sdss information safety data sheets sdss are informational sheets required by the occupational safety and health. Environmental acronyms, abbreviations and glossary of terms executive. United nations statistics division environment statistics. For terms ueed in describing upper atmospheric and space environ. For example, if you are measuring your air emissions from a smoke stack, with a set expected level of chemical contaminants, the measured results can be acceptable to the. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Environmental insurance and risk management toolsglossary of. A glossary of environmental terms ii 2 a abiotic not associated with or derived from living organisms. It is titled from air quality to zero emissions and the epa has obtained permission from nala to publish this information which is outlined below. This glossary of terms and acronyms aims to provide a support tool not only for those that are frequently engaged in negotiations under various multilateral environmental agreements meas, but also for those involved in the daily implementation of such agreements and related decisions. Environmental science provides an integrated, quantitative, and interdisciplinary approach to the study of environmental systems. Key words from unit 1 over environmental science holt text book.
A life or process that occurs in, or is not destroyed by, the absence of oxygen. A well whose use has been permanently discontinued or which is in a state of such disrepair that it cannot be used for its intended purpose. In terms of environmental management this could mean assessing the chance that you will have a chemical spill, assessing how environmentally damaging the spill could be this could depend on the chemical involved, and having a plan to deal with it should it happen. The study of the impact of humans on the environment. Glossary of environmental and computing terms by dr. The use of these terms and definitions varies largely from one author to another. A situation that arises when the amount of carbon dioxide released into the air equals the amount of carbon dioxide removed from the air, for example by planting trees, or the amount saved by using renewable energy sources to produce the same amount of energy. The passage of one substance into or through another. This glossary has been prepared by the division of environmental law and con ventions of unep on. Population growth and its environmental and social impact know no national boundaries. From air quality to zero emissions national adult literacy. Key documents that can be a useful starting point to learn about and assess the. The definitions are taken from various sources noted in an. It includes the list of approximately 300 vocabulary words and terms generated during the.
The number of radioactive nuclear transformations occurring in a material per unit time. It covers the areas of environment statistics, environmental and sustainable development indicators, and. B1 acronyms the evolution of environmental procedures has generated a. Reducing the degree or intensity of, or eliminating, pollution. Introduction terms of environment defines in nontechnical language the more commonly used environmental terms appearing in epa publications, news releases, and other agency documents available to the general public, students, the media, and agency employees. Journal of environmental quality abstract meanings of. Compiled from common technical terms encountered in millions of pages of environmental reports over the past 15 years, this book contains regulatory phrases and acronyms. Environmental protection agency communications, education, epa 175897001 and public affairs december 1997 1704. A glossary of terms contains over 3,500 definitions and 1,500 acronyms. In the 1970s and 1980s the focus was on traditional environmental themes such as protecting species and improving the quality of the air we breathe or the water we drink by reducing emissions of pollutants. An evidencebased design glossary the center for health design. Other information includes the date of preparation or last revision.
Most frequently, en richment results from the inflow of sewage effluent or from agricultural runoff. The explanations are designed to help describe ideas and concepts rather than to give strict scientific definitions. Environmental assessment west carleton environmental centre 5 glossary of terms glossary of terms term definition aaqcs ontario regulation 337 ambient air quality criteria aaqcs defined limits for specific compounds for defined under the ontario regulation point of impingement standards and guidelines. This glossary explains terms according to their most likely meanings in doe nepa documents. System on the pdf 11 70s endangerment information report environmental. The purpose of ecos is to improve the capability of state environmental agencies and their leaders to protect and improve human health and the environment. The list of science terms identified in this glossary focuses not only on the common vocabulary used but also the uncommon and specialized terminology used in this report and its. Ecological information lists the environmental impact of the chemicals if released to the environment. The environmental performance is the measurable results of the management of the environmental aspects in the environmental management system. Project development and environmental analysis ncdot pdf. Environmental protection agency of the usa or research reports of large groups of scientists and projects etc. Glossary of environmental, ecology, green science terms. Acronymsglossary of environmental terms appendix b presents acronyms and a glossary of environmental terms that are commonly used in the application of environmental procedures.
Environmental issues, climate changes, and energy security in. Environmental measurement glossary of terms january 11, 2010 the intent of this glossary is to define terms, commonly used in association with detection, quantitation, and calibration in environmental laboratories, which may be unfamiliar to the lay person. Environmental issues, climate changes, and energy security in developing asia benjamin k. The following terms are typically used by the environmental insurance industry, transactional. Italicized terms within the definitions are themselves defined elsewhere in the glossary, for crossreference.
B1 acronyms the evolution of environmental procedures has generated a considerable number of acronyms. Mechanism or equipment that cleans emissions generated by a source e. Environmental acronyms, abbreviations and glossary of terms. A glossary of environmental terms paul donahue march 2006 introduction this glossary is the outgrowth of the guide training workshop at sandoval lake lodge and the heath river wildlife center in january and february 2006. Environmental assessment west carleton environmental centre 6 glossary of terms glossary of terms term definition agl referring to an altitude above ground level. Biospecies a species for which it has been established or at least generally agreed that members of the species can interbreed with one another and produce fertile offspring but cannot do so with.
Abiotic factors in an environment include such items as sunlight, temperature, wind patterns, and precipitation. Some historians using an environmental approach even blur the binary distinction between human and nature. The following article is a glossary of the terms used in the environmental policy project. Iso 14001 glossary of environmental management words. The number of organisms in a population, combining intensity density within inhabited areas and prevalence number and size of inhabited areas. An underground geological formation, or group of formations, containing usable amounts of groundwater that can supply wells and springs. The unsd glossary of environment statistics which was published in 1997, is a quick reference tool for terms and definitions relevant to environmental data production and use. V healthcare environmental terms and outcome measures. Scientific and technical terms in the following f ields or subfields.
Environmental science unit 1 key terms flashcards quizlet. View our online glossary of environmental engineering terms. The ph of different aquatic ecosystems determines the health and biological characteristics of those systems. See the osha brief on safety data sheets for a detailed description of sds contents. Scope the terms included in this glossary refer to environments on the land surfaces of the earth and adjacent portione of the oceans and lower atmosphere that have a direct effect on surface conditions. Stormwater regulationpermit process phase ii is also the. Record of decision, and technical reports from the agency responsible for the site upon. A technique to compensate for variable background contribution to the instrument signal in the determination of trace elements. The dictionary of environmental science and engineering the dictionary of environmental science and engineering is an essential reference book for students and professionals in such diverse disciplines as geography, earth sciences, biology, engineering and law. Expanded from its original publication, this comprehensive and concise guide. California environmental quality act ceqa first enacted in 1970 to provide longterm environmental protection, the law requires that governmental decisionmakers and public agencies study the significant environmental effects of proposed activities, and that significant avoidable damage be avoided or reduced where feasible. This glossary is intended to help people become familiar with the terms they are likely to see in government reports, engineering studies and health literature. Each term on this page includes a brief definition.
A glossary of environmental terms found on deqs website. Environmental impact statement is a detailed analysis of the key environmental, social, and economic issues that are likely to result from the project. In an attempt to correct the problem and standardize usage, this paper defines or redefines 10 of the most common environmental terms. The three degradation terms, environmental degradation, land degradation, and soil degradation, are defined as any change or disturbance to the environment, land, or soil perceived to be deleterious or undesirable. Introduction environmental condition assessment environmental condition assessment eca is a process for establishing long term monitoring that uses environmental indicators as a primary tool to as sess current resource conditions and to detect change in these conditions over time. Regulatory information identifies the safety, health and environmental regulations specific for the product. Your pupils will appreciate this handout as a study aid as well. Abiotic nonliving acclimation the change in behavior or physiology of an individual within its own lifetime in response.
Original documents including correspondence, public comments, the. In the context of waste, certificates or other documents granted by local. Studies of humans suffering from symptoms induced by chemical exposure. Dave rich, president, geotech computer systems, inc.
Glossary of terms used in doe nepa documents 1 term definition source absorbed dose for ionizing radiation, the energy imparted to matter by ionizing radiation per unit mass of the irradiated material e. Environment glossary use this printable glossary as a reference when discussing the environment and ways to live greener in your classroom. This glossary, however, defines only technical and regulatory terms that are commonly encountered in doe nepa documents. In air pollution control, the concentration of air pollutants in a definite area during a fixed period of time prior to the start ing up or on the stoppage of a source of. Symbols of united nations documents are composed of capital letters. National nonprofit, nonpartisan association of state and territorial environmental agency leaders.
Environmental issues, climate changes, and energy security. F facultative a group of microorganisms which prefer or preferentially use molecular oxygen when available, but are capable of suing other pathways for energy and synthesis if molecular oxygen is not available. A docu ment prepared by a federal agency on the environmental impact. The major environmental challenges facing europe have evolved since the early days of european environmental policymaking. How a chemical enters a persons blood after the chemical has been swallowed, has come into contact with the skin, or has been breathed in. Unep division of environmental law and conventions t. The dictionary of environmental science and engineering. Term definition 303d refers to section 303 subsection d of the clean water act, which requires states to develop a list of water bodies that do not meet water quality standards a 303d list. Apparent competitionan interaction in which the organisms or species have adverse effects on one another by virtue of the. This is a glossary of environmental science environmental science is the study of interactions among physical, chemical, and biological components of the environment.
The national adult literacy agencynala has developed an a z guide containing over 100 explanations of common environmental terms. Environmental glossary finding of no significant impact fnsi a document prepared by a federal agency that presents the reasons impact. Humans drives car releasing pollution into air causing an negative impact to environment a environmetalist comes along and study the effects. Airspace the volume of space within a landfill site which is permitted for the disposal of waste. The presence of contaminants or pollutant substances in the air that interfere with human health or welfare, or produce other harmful environmental effects. This glossary contains nontechnical descriptions of all the terms in economics for everyone highlighted in small capitals.
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